Tuesday, September 30, 2008

355: promising prognosis for those with Down syndrome

Many thanks to RTBH reader Paul for sending in today's linked article from CNN. The article reports that, a century ago, the average life expectancy of someone with Down syndrome was just 9-years-old. But medical advances and stronger support mechanisms have now dramatically improved these odds, and those with Downs generally live well into middle-age, with high levels of functioning and greater independence. By way of an example, CNN cites the story of Zach Wincent, a 19-year-old with Down syndrome who works in Target, coaches ice hockey and attends community college. Oh, and he was 'Prom King' at his high-school. In other words, he enjoys life - though his mother has had to fight for access to certain services and Zach's whole family has had to protect him from intolerance and misunderstanding. So there is some way to go, but also much progress to be celebrated, and certainly greater hope for children diagnosed with Down syndrome and their families.

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