Saturday, July 5, 2008

268: Kenyan village gets return on investment

This is a lovely story, which has so much hope in it. Today's linked article comes from the Boston Globe. It tells the story of Milton Ochieng' and his brother, Fred, who hail from the small Kenyan village of Lwala. The village residents funded Milton's airfare to the US eight years ago so he could attend Dartmouth College. Fred followed a few years later. To repay their community's investment, the brothers decided to establish a clinic in their village and set about fundraising in the US. In fact, a documentary has recently been made about their efforts, which have resulted in a popular clinic that now sees around 100 patients a day. (At the end of the Boston Globe article, you can also link to the Lwala community alliance's website, which gives a lot more information about the village, the clinic and other projects that funds raised in the US and elsewhere are supporting.) It's a great story about giving back to one's community, about establishing links across borders, and about using modern technologies to aid development - there's even a YouTube video linked from the website...

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