Monday, April 28, 2008

200: the anti-aging properties of tomatoes

This story reassured me today. The BBC reported the results of a study by Manchester and Newcastle Universities in the UK, which showed that eating a relatively small amount of cooked tomatoes on a regular basis may protect your skin against aging. Lycopene in tomatoes is an antioxidant, boosting levels of the procollagen that helps skin stay firm and - evidence from this recent study suggests - even providing some protection against UV rays. Good news for any parent whose children only eat pasta with tomato sauce or margarita pizza... (Photo from BBC online.)


It's my 200th post today. Way more than half-way through my original year-long experiment, which has been fairly hard work but lots of fun so far... I'm interested to know what RTBH readers think I should do once the year is over though. Any ideas, please drop me a line at Thanks!

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