Sunday, June 29, 2008

262: the power of determination

I found today's linked story from the Houston Chronicle really humbling. It is a personal tale, about a young graduate named Carolyn Barnes from North Carolina. Carolyn's childhood was tough. Her mentally ill drug-using father left her mother to look after Carolyn and her two sisters alone, and they lived in motels for much of her childhood. Carolyn found solace in her studies and worked hard, her determination fuelled when other kids teased her. She gained a full scholarship to college and graduated early as the top student in her faculty. Now, informed by her childhood experiences, she is working towards a career in social policy. Apparently, she's hoping to undertake research to help design programs that empower the poor. Her own story is so inspirational... I'm sure many people would find this empowering in itself. I certainly do.

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